At its core, the Department of Physiology is dedicated to fostering a deep comprehension of the intricate mechanisms governing the human body's functions. Through a rigorous curriculum, students delve into topics spanning from the molecular and cellular levels to complex organ systems, gaining insights into how physiological processes maintain homeostasis and respond to internal and external stimuli. The faculty members, often esteemed experts in their respective fields, guide students through this exploration, instilling not only knowledge but also critical thinking skills essential for navigating the complexities of medical practice.

Beyond the classroom, the faculty members encourage the students to engage in a wide array of investigations, probing into the mechanisms underlying health and disease, unraveling mysteries at the forefront of medical science, and paving the way for innovative therapies and interventions. This research not only enhances our understanding of human physiology but also holds the promise of improving patient outcomes and advancing the practice of medicine.

Moreover, the Department of Physiology plays a vital role in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by collaborating with healthcare professionals across disciplines to ensure that students grasp the real-world implications of their studies. This interdisciplinary approach equips students with the skills and insights necessary to address the diverse and ever-evolving healthcare needs of society.

In essence, the Department of Physiology stands as a beacon of scientific inquiry and educational excellence within the medical college ecosystem.

  • Educational Excellence : to deliver high-quality education in human physiology.
  • Foundation for Clinical Practice : to lay a strong foundation for clinical practice by integrating physiological concepts with real-world medical scenarios of diseases.
  • Research and Innovation : to foster a culture of scientific inquiry and research within the department.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration : collaborates with other departments to provide a holistic understanding of human health and disease.
  • Hands-on Learning : to understand physiological concepts and develop laboratory skills through practical training in laboratory settings.
  • Professional Development : to nurture the professional growth and development through extracurricular activities, conferences, and scientific presentations.
  • Continuous Improvement : continual evaluation and update of curriculum, teaching methods, and research priorities to ensure relevance and effectiveness through feedback.

The following facilities in the department support education, research, and practical training in the field of human physiology.

  • Teaching Laboratories : equipped with essential apparatus and equipment for hands-on learning and reinforcing theoretical knowledge of physiological concepts.
  • Research Laboratories : equipped with advanced instrumentation and equipment for data collection, analysis, and experimentation.
  • Audiovisual Facilities : multimedia classrooms, projectors, and audio systems enhance the effectiveness of teaching and facilitate interactive learning experiences.
  • Computational Resources : computers, software, and internet access enable data analysis, modeling, and simulation in physiological research.
  • Library Resources : departmental library complements central college library for resources in the field of physiology.
  • Conference and Seminar Rooms : facilitate academic discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among faculty members, students, and visiting scholars.
  • Clinical Simulation Centers : equipped with medical manikins, simulators, and medical equipment help simulate clinical scenarios and procedures that help educate medical students.