Attendance requirements are 80% in theory and 85% in practical/clinical for eligibility to appear for the University examinations in that subject. In subjects that are taught in more than one phase, the student must have 80% attendance in theory and 85% in practical in each phase of instruction for that subject. If an examination comprises more than one subject (e.g., General Surgery and Allied branches), the student must have 80% attendance in each subject and 85% attendance in each clinical posting. Students who do not have at least 80% attendance in the electives will not be eligible for the Third Professional - Part II examination.
Regular periodic examinations shall be conducted throughout the course. There shall be no fewer than three internal assessment examinations in each Preclinical/Para-clinical subject and no fewer than two examinations in each clinical subject in a professional year. An end-of-posting clinical assessment shall be conducted for each clinical posting in each professional year. When subjects are taught in more than one phase, the internal assessment must be done in each phase and must contribute proportionately to the final assessment. For example, General Medicine must be assessed in the second Professional, third Professional Part I, and third Professional Part II, independently. Day-to-day records and logbook (including required skill certifications) should be given importance in internal assessment. Internal assessment should be based on competencies and skills. The final internal assessment in a broad clinical specialty (e.g., Surgery and Allied specialties, etc.) shall comprise marks from all constituent specialties. The proportion of the marks for each constituent specialty shall be determined by the time of instruction allotted to each. Learners must secure at least 50% of the total marks (combined in theory and practical/clinical; not less than 40% marks in theory and practical separately) assigned for internal assessment in a particular subject to be eligible for appearing at the final University examination of that subject. The results of internal assessment will be displayed on the notice board. Learners must have completed the required certifiable competencies for that phase of training and completed the logbook appropriate for that phase of training to be eligible for appearing in the final university examination of that subject. Internal Assessment examination marks, and model examination marks will be taken for calculating final internal assessment marks. A minimum of 50% marks in internal assessment (Theory & practical) is a mandatory prerequisite to appear in the University examination.
University Examination shall be conducted, and results shall be declared as per NMC/University regulations.
Students who wish to apply for revaluation should first apply for a soft copy of answer scripts for viewing by paying the prescribed fee on or before the last date for obtaining the soft copy of answer scripts. If the candidate is convinced that the script deserves higher marks than awarded, he/she can apply for revaluation by paying the prescribed fee on or before the last date for applying for revaluation. After revaluation, the marks of the valuator are final, whether high or low. Students who have failed in Practical/Clinical Examination are not eligible for Revaluation. The students who have failed in more than two subjects having two papers each, are not eligible for Revaluation.
The supplementary examinations for every Professional examination shall be scheduled within 6 weeks from the date of declaration of results of the regular examination.
Note: These regulations are subject to change as per NMC/University guidelines from time to time.