The department aims to produce a physician who is well informed about medicolegal responsibilities in practice of medicine. He/She will also be capable of making observations and inferring conclusions by logical deductions to set enquiries on the right track in criminal matters and connected medicolegal problems. He/She acquires knowledge of law in relation to medical practice, medical negligence and respect for codes of medical ethics.

  • To make observations and logical inferences in order to initiate enquiries in criminal matters and medicolegal problems.
  • To diagnose and treat common emergencies in poisoning and managing chronic toxicity.
  • To make observations and interpret findings at Post-Mortem examination. To observe the principles of medical ethics in the practise of his profession.
  • To provide an integrated approach towards allied disciplines like Pathology, Radiology, Forensic Sciences, Hospital Administration etc.
  • To impart training regarding medicolegal responsibilities of physicians at all levels of health care.
  • Well equipped museum and demo hall.
  • Well equipped Autopsy block to teach and train students.
  • MoU with District Hospital, Government for Post-Mortem training to students.