On the occasion of VELS Family Day, Vels Medical College & Hospital hosted a "Samudaya Valaikappu" function on 06th Oct 2023 for over 100 pregnant women from neighboring villages. They were offered essential medical kits, seer varisai, and a nourishing meal to ensure their well-being during this precious journey. Dr. Preethaa Ganesh, Vice President, Vels Group of Institutions, Dr. T. Arun Kumar, Medical Director, VMCH, Dr. Kumudha Lingaraj, Dean, VMCH, and our dedicated faculty members came together to celebrate and support these mothers-to-be. Kudos to Dr. Sathish Dev, AMS, VMCH, the Marketing team, VMCH, and the OBG department, VMCH, for the excellent arrangements! Let's wish all the best to the families!